Top Social Media Tips for 2022

Who is your audience?

"When you speak to everyone, you speak to no one." - Seth Godin

Who is your target audience?

Where will you find this audience?

What hashtags are most relevant?

What topics are of interest to your audience?

Focus is Powerful

Competition for attention is fierce. With so many platforms competing for your audience's attention, start with the platform where you can best engage with your target audience.

Start with Facebook & Instagram

Later on, add in others, like YouTube and TikTok. Add in LinkedIn, if that is relevant to your audience.

Be a Storyteller

It’s been said that the average attention span is 7 seconds.

How will you educate?

How will you inspire?

How will you engage?

How will you persuade?

Focus your messaging on these key points to maximize those 7 seconds.

Tailor your content

Every social media platform is unique and how its audience interacts is also unique. While you can repurpose content, keep in mind that long form content is best for YouTube, while short clips should be used in Facebook or Instagram.

Remember to have fun and that will be conveyed to your audience.

Social tip: Posts with visual content drive the most engagement vs. text only.


2021 Social Media Trends